Wise Clock 3 with Duino644
Let's start with a bit of "history". Duino644 was designed to match with (plug into) the now-discontinued 2416 mono-color LED display from Sure Electronics. Wise Clock 3 board was designed to plug into the 3216 bi-color LED display from Sure. Both boards have a similar schematic, based on ATmega644, and they share similar features: RTC (DS3231) on I2C, SD card, piezo buzzer, 3 user buttons. There are a few differences between the 2 boards: Duino644 has IR receiver, connected on D2, whereas Wise Clock 3 has the Plus button on D2 and no IR receiver; Wise Clock 3 has D11 connected to pin 2 (CLK) of the 3216 display; on Duino644 , since the 2416 display does not require an input on pin 2, D11 is not connected. Our goal is to adapt the "old" Duino644 board to the 3216 bi-color LED display and run the Wise Clock 3 software on it. This is easily achieved by doing the following hardware hacks: 1. connect the processor's pin 17 to pin 2 of the display'...