Night and Day add-on kit

Want to build the Night and Day clock as shown by Justin?

Here is how we can help (and this is the exact reason why we described Wise Clock 3 as "highly hackable"):

1.  If you already have Wise Clock 3, buy just the "Night and Day add-on kit", which includes
  • the world map printed on thick velum paper;
  • one thin (1.5mm) transparent acrylic laser-cut plate;
You will need to upload the Night and Day sketch yourself (read about the process here).

  (US$10, free shipping to North America)

  (US$12, free shipping anywhere in the world)

2.  If you don't have Wise Clock 3 already, you can order the "Night and day add-on kit" alongside either the board kit or the complete kit. In this case, we will upload the sketch onto the processor for you.


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