Galaxy X , Galaxy S9, Galaxy Note 9 : Three Samsung Mobiles In 2018

The Galaxy X, Galaxy S9, Galaxy Note 9 Smartphone  range will undoubtedly be one of the most important and prestigious in 2018. Samsung will be keen to build on what was an impressive calendar yeah for the Korean consumer electronics And while it has diversified its business over the last few years, its smartphone products remain the most significant and important devices manufactured by the corporation.

Galaxy X

The Galaxy X, Galaxy S9, Galaxy Note 9 series will be perhaps dominated by the Galaxy X next year, at least in terms of specifications. This unit will be the surprise release of the calendar year, with consumers excited about the prospect, while also unsure about what to expect. Samsung has been showing off its technology  for several years, with prototypes having appeared at numerous trade shows. However, the Korean company has never previously had the confidence to implement this innovation in a commercial product, but this could be changing in 2018. Executives have already indicated that some form fold able technology will be released in Samsung in 2018, meaning that the Galaxy X, Galaxy S9, Galaxy Note 9 trio is set to be unleashed on the public.

It seems that Samsung will begin with a small-scale native release for this smartphone, focusing on Korea in order to establish whether a western release is viable. This suggests that the Galaxy X will be a more affordable smartphone despite its unique design, probably with lower specs than either the Galaxy S or Galaxy Note series. Galaxy S9, Galaxy Note 9 trio, the Galaxy S9 can be considered the banker. Very much the flagship of the Korean Corporation, the Galaxy S series has established itself as the most viable competitor to the iconic iPhone. Speaking of which , something outstanding will be expected from the Galaxy S9 in 2018, after the Apple iPhone X was so enthusiastically received by both critics and consumers. If Samsung has been a little ahead of Apple in display technology, this has been reversed with the iPhone X, which has been praised for the usual qualities associated with iPhone, along with its outstanding display. So at this time, the ball is firmly in Samsung's court. The Korean electronics giant needs to win consumers back to its mainstream products, yet must demonstrate that they provide a viable alternative to the iPhone X in particular.

It is generally believed, through, that there won't be a significant redesign of the Galaxy S9, after the Galaxy S8 was rather successful for Samsung earlier this year. What is more likely is a raft of spec upgrades, meaning that the life cycle and capabilities of the S9 should be improved over previous generations.

Samsung Strategy             

As Samsung ponders the Galaxy X, Galaxy S9, Galaxy Note 9 release schedule, it can reasonably be asserted the diversity is becoming an increasingly important part of the smartphone landscape. The cultural power of the smartphone is greater than ever, and this has led to huge amount of consumer choice in the sphere. While Samsung enjoyed a spectacular 2017, recovering from the Galaxy Note 7 fiasco, the position of the company going into the future is still far from certain. Apple and Samsung are well aware that delivering new innovations in the smartphone niche is becoming increasingly challenging. And Samsung faces great rivalry from Apple in the premium space, while numerous affordable alternatives are available in the budget end of the market 

If the Galaxy X, Galaxy S9, Galaxy Note 9, releases are to be successful for the Korean Corporation, they must essentially be all things for people. This means that we could see more devices released in the Galaxy S and Galaxy note ranges that has been the case previously. And there could even be more than one Galaxy X variant released, although this is significantly less likely. Above all else, Samsung must toil to create three inspirational smartphones, at a time when delivering exciting new features has become nigh on impossible. But if the Galaxy X, Galaxy S9, Galaxy Note 9 trio are to maintain Samsung's gains, they must deliver something that is not already available on the market.


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