How to maintain a successful YouTube career tips and tricks

Hello Friends Now let's see how to create a channel on YouTube and work successfully.There are many ways to gain video views and subscriber.some of the suggestion outlined here,to see which ones apply to your situation.

Methods of making successful videos 

 choose a subject to talk about,particularly a subject that you know well or have a strong opinion about.You may want your first video to be an introduction to your channel and give people a taste to what you have to offer them.For example tell your viewers about future topics,date on which your next video will come out, and the bottom line is make them want more of you.
  • If you know you will not have time in the future to make upload a video consider making it now and scheduling it in YouTube for a future date. 
  • Quality over quantity is often the best aim. 
  • Don't copy other people's ideas. 
  • If you want to make a video that does not require much editing and can be done in real time, for example a video of playing the latest computer game, then consider live stream it.That way you will be able to interact with viewers, which will help build an audience base, and YouTube favors live streams and will rank it higher in search results during the stream.

    Create videos that have some relevance to recent news.Make video response to well known or popular videos .These are topics that are currently being searched for a lot on YouTube and in Google News or the trending topics section of Twitter. Share your video on social media

    Use good filming techniques.Natural light is the best lighting you can use when filming for YouTube. Background are also good to have.You don't want a dark and dingy background or a background that blends in with you outfit,You can buy or make backgrounds. To buy a cheap background, go on eBay or other selling sites to find a great backgrounds

    Choose a good tag.Choosing a good tag.choosing tag is a pretty important step to the video upload process,choosing popular tags will make it harder for people to find your video.
    • use concise titles,descriptions and tags.YouTube sorts videos out based on the title of the video,the description and then the tags,in that order. 
    • place tags in your description as well as it is more likely that you will get views on your YouTube video. 
    • To gain subscribers:on every YouTube channel there is a box,called a description box.many people take this space for granted but anytime someone views your channel they will see what you write there,so you may want to give clues about future videos or tell a little about yourself,if you write some good convincing material this can be a great way to gain subscriber.Don't a spam.people will find you, there is no need to spam. The only thing spamming will do for your YouTube career is ruin your credibility and reputation.mass sending messages that promote a single video.

    Keep your review as non-biased as possible.Have a descriptive opinion on it.

    • try to compare it to other similar products. 
    • Talk about the differences and what you like about it and what you don't. 
    • If your review videos are already getting a lot views then consider asking brands to provide you with new or unreleased products for you to review.This will give your video an edge.Gain some confidence. YouTube can be a great place but can also be a very demoralizing and nasty place when the haters get involved. No matter what you do, no matter what you look like , there are people out there who will say negative think to try to make their lackluster little lives more interesting as they hide behind the shield of not being seen.
    • Decide whether you'll even leave a video open to commenting. It's not always the right think to give people air space to travialize or downgrade your hard work. 
    • Don't take any of the snarly, self-centered comments personally. 
    • Focus more on the positive comments rather than the negative ones.

    If you work well you can succeed in life. Thank you for visiting everyone



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