Interfacing Push Button Switch to Arduino

There are many electronic circuits can be used to interface with the device in the real world using switches as inputs. The simplest type of interfacing device is push button switches due to its low price and simple interfacing with any kind of electronic circuit. Push button switches are widely used in many electronic projects so knowledge of their interfacing is extremely essential in designing projects. So during this article, we learn how to interface push button switches with arduino. I hope you have knowledge about Arduino Board and led interfacing. Push button has four terminal and its allow current to pass through it when you press it down. 
push button interfacing
Push Button
Here we use PULL-UP or PULL DOWN resistor while using switches. PULL-UP register is a register connected between power supply and connector to give an electricity on certain condition.To understand the working of Pull-UP resistor look the image how its work.
working of pullup resistor
Pull-Up Resister
REED THIS ARTICLE  Interfacing LCD With Arduino UNO

Circuit Diagram
circuit of push button interfacing
Circuit Diagram
Source Code
code of push button interfacing
Source Code

Download source code and circuit diagram file from here




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