Modding WiFiChron with GPS or Bluetooth
The latest revision of WiFiChron has an XBee socket (beside the ESP8266 8-pin socket), which allows the addition of a few individual features: GPS-based time synchronization, by using the GPSBee ; displaying messages sent from a Bluetooth device, by using the BTBee / BLEBee ; displaying data acquired from an XBee / ZigBee network of sensors (not implemented yet); Things did not go smoothly, without some drama though. Naively (I always seem to forget that there is a difference between theory and practice), I designed the XBee/ESP to connect to the serial port, with the expectation that once the development (including testing with debug statements to the serial monitor) is done, I will just plug in the serial module (either XBee of ESP8266) and things will work properly. Well, I had to re-consider this approach once again. Luckily, I had two pins left available (D7 and D17), which I could use for software serial. I re-wired those to the XBee/ESP and used the hardware serial for console...