
Showing posts from March, 2015

Modding WiFiChron with GPS or Bluetooth

The latest revision of WiFiChron has an XBee socket (beside the ESP8266 8-pin socket), which allows the addition of a few individual features: GPS-based time synchronization, by using the GPSBee ; displaying messages sent from a Bluetooth device, by using the BTBee / BLEBee ; displaying data acquired from an XBee / ZigBee network of sensors (not implemented yet); Things did not go smoothly, without some drama though. Naively (I always seem to forget that there is a difference between theory and practice), I designed the XBee/ESP to connect to the serial port, with the expectation that once the development (including testing with debug statements to the serial monitor) is done, I will just plug in the serial module (either XBee of ESP8266) and things will work properly. Well, I had to re-consider this approach once again. Luckily, I had two pins left available (D7 and D17), which I could use for software serial. I re-wired those to the XBee/ESP and used the hardware serial for console...

Interfacing Push Button Switch to Arduino

There are many electronic circuits can be used to interface with the device in the real world using switches as inputs. The simplest type of interfacing device is push button switches due to its low price and simple interfacing with any kind of electronic circuit. Push button switches are widely used in many electronic projects so knowledge of their interfacing is extremely essential in designing projects. So during this article, we learn how to interface push button switches with arduino. I hope you have knowledge about Arduino Board  and led interfacing. Push button has four terminal and its allow current to pass through it when you press it down.  Push Button Here we use PULL-UP or PULL DOWN resistor while using switches. PULL-UP register is a register connected between power supply and connector to give an electricity on certain condition.To understand the working of Pull-UP resistor look the image how its work. Pull-Up Resister REED THIS ARTICLE   Interfacing LC...

Arduino-based Automatic Temperature Fan Speed Controller

In many small or large industry, you may have seen such a lot of fan that speed is control according to the temperature of the place. Thus, during this article, we have presented a demo of that application. It's assumed that you have an idea of  how to read reading from the temperature sensor IC . In industry temperature range will be more than 100  o C   but here we will work on the very low range. Block diagram of Temperature control FAN Block Diagram Required Components  Arduino UNO board (buy from here arduino ) Temperature sensor IC LM35( buy from here LM35 sensor ) DC Fan resistor 1* 1K 16*2 LCD Display Power supply   Diode(1N4007)  Circuit Diagram  In this application, we use an arduino board to control the speed of the fan and a 16*2 LCD display to display the status of the fan. Here we use a diode in parallel with FAN to prevent it from the damage and a 9V battery to provide power to the fan. Circuit Diagram Code Again like our previous proj...

How to assemble the 2-servo mini pan-tilt kit

Mystery solved! This is somehow embarrassing, but I post it anyway, hoping that it may help others. Although it looks easy, I had trouble assembling the mini pan-tilt kit from adafruit, specifically the bottom servo. I just couldn't figure out how to fix the servo with screws to the main arm, since there are no holes for screws (unless I drill them myself). Also, there is no guide anywhere to be found (uncharacteristic for adafruit), nor explicit photos of the assembled parts. I thought that there must be a trick, so I bought the assembled version as well. Guess what? The "trick" is obvious, and I missed it because I was focused on using the screws! The bottom servo must be inserted in the 2 tracks on each side of the two symmetrical parts that make the arm, no screws needed! When assembling the kit, the easiest way is to start by attaching together the 2 symmetrical parts of the arm, with the servo between them. (In the photo below, i was too lazy to completely dis-ass...

WiFiChron with software support for ESP8266

Another great software update from MikeM (download here )! This one has support for the ESP8266 module, allowing the WiFiChron clock to: join a specified wireless network in a user-friendly manner (with only the on-board, existing and minimal, hardware resources); synchronize the time from a specified NTP server (e.g. ); read and display RSS feed from a specified server (e.g. ); Before getting excited and jumping to compile and upload the new sketch, there are a few steps to be done on the ESP8266 module: 1. pull the CHPD pin high with a 10k resistor to Vcc; 2. make sure you can communicate with the module using a serial port; this could also include checking the version of the installed firmware (AT+GMR); 3. upgrade the firmware on ESP8266 to version 0.9.6 . After you download the bin files, the next step is to find a tool that would upload those bin files onto the chip. There are many tutorials on how to do this, some ...