How To Interface Seven Segment Display With Arduino

A seven segment display is an electronic display device for displaying numeral. Seven segment display are widely used in the digital clock, TV, electronic meter and other electronic devices which display numerical value. Simple seven segment display image is shown below:

seven segment display image
seven segemnt pin diagram
Seven-segment Display may be used in two modes:
1: Common anode ( all of the positive terminal are connected) 
2: Common cathode (all of the negative terminal are connected)
In this tutorial, we tend to use common cathode mode to display the numerical number.

Circuit diagram

Arduino pin 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 is directly connected to a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h data pin of seven segment display as shown in image:

seven segment circuit diagram with arduino
Circuit Diagram
Code for one digit count down timer from nine to zero is written in arduino ide as shown in image.

code for seven segment interfacing with arduino
Copy or download the code and paste it within the empty sketch of arduino ide and so compile the sketch and upload it to your board. Now enjoy count down timer using seven segment display. 



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