How To Interface LCD With Arduino UNO

LCD module is incredibly common part at intervals embedded system design.16*2 alphanumeric LCD module is most generally used  alphanumeric LCD module at intervals the embedded system. LCD module employed in wide selection of applications well as consumer devices such as DVD player,television,clock,gaming devices and watches.There are 16 pin available and may be operated
in 4-bit and 8-bit mode. Here we have tendency to victimization LCD module in 4-bit mode. The schematics of simple 16*2 LCD module is shown in below image

LCD Display

The name and function of every Pin of LCD module is given below:

Pin1(Vss): Ground pin of LCD Module

Pin2(Vdd): +5v supply is given to this pin

Pin3(Vee): Adjust contrast of LCD. +5v supply is given for full contrast.

Pin4(RS): Resister select pin in LCD module. There are two register command register and data register. Logic High for data register and Logic Low for command register. 

Pin5(R/W): Read/write modes.Logic High for read mode and Logic low for write mode.

Pin(E): Enable pin. This pin for enabling LCD module.

If you don't have LCD module then you can purchase from here at very cheat price LCD

Pin7(DB0) to Pin14(DB7): Data pins. command and data are put on this mode.

Pin15(LED+): Anode of back light led.

Pin16(LED-): Cathode of back light led.

Circuit Diagram
circuit diagram of lcd interfacing
Circuit Diagram


code for lcd interfacing with arduino

Library function "liquidcrystal.h" is employed for displaying character on LCD module. It is available in the arduino example and accessed through the "Import Library" within the sketch tab of the arduino ide.


Video Demonstration 

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