The Blogging Dictionary - A to Z Glossary of Blogging (First Edition) Part- 4

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Odeo, Podnova - are Podcatchers, a form of aggregator used to automatically download podcasts and can sometimes transfer a portable media player.

Off- Page SEO - It is SEO technique which is used to optimize website.

On-Page SEO - It is SEO technique which is used to optimize content.

Operating system - the software you use to make your computer or device go (usually DOS, Mac OS, Google Chrome OS, Android, etc).

OPML - short for Outline Processor Markup Language. It is an XML format for outlines. Easily import and export multiple blog subscriptions between different rss aggregators.


Page Rank - Google measures of importance of a page which reflects in its rankings.

Pageflakes, Newsvine - Track multiple feeds on a single page by modules.

Permalink - Permanent link. The unique URL of a single post. Use this when you want to link to a post somewhere.

Phlog - Type of blog utilising the Gopher protocol instead of HTTP. A Photoblog. A portmanteau of "photo" and "blog".

Photoblog - A blog mostly containing photos, posted constantly and chronologically.

Photoblogging - a blog predominantly using and focusing on photographs and images. Photoblogs are created byphotobloggers

Photocast - a photoblog that automatically updates when new photos are added.

Photofeed- a web feed with image enclosures.

Ping - Short for Packet Internet Grouper. Blog and ping helps to notify other blog tracking tools for updates, changes and trackbacks. computers do this to make sure another computer is listening; TheBraddoes this all the time, for no apparent reason.

Pingback - The alert in the TrackBack system that notifies the original poster of a blog post when someone else writes an entry concerning the original post.

Pingomatic, Pingoat - ping multiple blog tracking services.

Plog - a project blog. Also for personalised weblogs.

Plugins - Small files that add improved functionality and new features. WordPress plugins can greatly improve your blog usage and interactivity.

Podcast - It is digital form of blog in which blogger post content in the form of video and audio.

Podcasting - a way to distributing media files (audio / videos etc) online using feeds for playback on a mobile devices and pc. It is created by podcasters.

Post , Entry - An entry written and published to a blog.

Post Slug - For blogs with common language URLs, the post slug is the portion of the URL that represents the post. Example:

Problogger - professional blogger

Progblog - A progressive blog.

Publisher - Who publish advertisement on blog.



Radio Userland - another blog publishing software package.

RDF - short for Resource Description Framework. A web content syndication format.

Reciprocal Links - called link love. You link to my blog, I link to yours. To improve search engine rankings.

Referral logs - files which can be viewed, usually only by a webmaster, which detail who has visited a website and/or how the visitor found the site.

Retweet - the act of sharing a specific post (�tweet�) on Twitter; once re-shared, that post becomes a �retweet�.

RSS - Really Simple Syndication is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines or podcasts.

RSS aggregator - Software or online service allowing a blogger to read an RSS feed, especially the latest posts on their favourite blogs. Also called a reader, or feedreader.

RSS feed -The file containing a blog�s latest posts. It is read by an RSS aggregator/reader and shows at once when a blog has been updated. It may contain only the title of the post, the title plus the first few lines of a post, or the entire post.

RSS Reader - Tools which is used to read RSS feeds. It is also called as RSS aggregator.


Searchability - the ability at which search engines can crawl and search a website.

Self-hosting - the act of paying a company or agency a monthly or yearly fee to store your website on their servers.

SEO - search engine optimization, or the practice of creating websites and content that are easily readable and accessible by search engines so as to bring in the right traffic. To improve your search engine rankings.

Share - specifically re-distributing a post, picture, or other content on a variety of social media platforms so that your readers can view something that someone else posted.

Shocklog - provokes discussion by posting shocking content.

Sidebar - One or more columns along one or both sides of most blogs main page.

Sideblog - A smaller blog usually placed in the sidebar of a blog.

Sitemap - It contains all information of your site at a single place to easily index your site by search engine.

Slug - A portion of URL that represents posts in common language.

Social media - any website, app, or virtual program that allows individuals to converse and connect over a variety of causes, events, programs, or whatnot. Social media includes blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Feed Readers, Wikis, and a variety of other capabilities. Basically, it�s anywhere people engage together online.

Subscribe - It allows readers to receive notifications regarding blog post directly to their email id.

Click here to read ...... Part-1 [A - B] | Part-2 [C - G] | Part-3 [H - N] | Part-4 [O - S] | Part-5 [T - Z]


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