The Blogging Dictionary - A to Z Glossary of Blogging (First Edition) Part- 3

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Haloscan- free trackback service.

Hat Tip - acknowledgement of the source that tipped you the news.

Header - the topmost part of the blog usually listing the blog title.

Health Blog - Blog that shares information on health and fitness.

Hitnosis - Refreshing your browser repeatedly to see if your hit counter or comments have increased.

Host Blog - Blog that gives invitation to guest bloggers to write guest post.

Hosting: the act of paying for the physical space required to support your website on a company�s servers.

HTML - acronym: �hyper-text markup language�; this is not technically a programming �language�; it is a sort of code which browsers interpret to present web sites to people on line.

Hyperlink - a clickable item on a web page which will direct a browser to load another web page, or to move to another spot on the currently-viewed web page.


ICQ - an instant messaging system used by numerous bloggers to annoy one another constantly, see also IM.

IM - acronym: �instant message�, a pop-up message sent through any of severalinstant messaging systems.

IMHO - acronym: �in my humble opinion�.

IMNSHO - acronym: �in my not so humble opinion�.

Income Report - Bloggers shows chart of their income from blogging.

Index page � the front page fo the blog.

Indexing - the practice of adding new content and sitemaps to the major search engines so that they can find your page, content, or site whenever someone searches in the future. Generally, it is called site indexing that means site added by search engine.

Instalanche - link posted on driving huge traffic to your blog

Internet Marketing - Marketing technique which is used to make money online.

IRC - acronym: �internet relay chat�

IRL - acronym: �in real life� is a way to talk about things that are not on-line; things IRL happen at an incredibly slow pace and I can only rarely link to them

linkslut - someone who does anything to get someone else to link to them


Jblog - A journalist blog. A blog with a Jewish focus.

Joomla - a free, open-source content management framework (like WordPress) with which people can create websites

Jump - the continuation of a the story on another page to preserve space on index page.


K2, Blix - names of some popular wordpress themes

Kittyblogger - writing about cats.

Klog - used by company knowledge workers. by Kloggers


Legal blog - A blog about law.

LifeBlog - A blog about daily life activity.

Lijit - an ad company that works with Federated Media and generally works through CPM.

Linguablog - about linguistics, translation etc.

Linkbaiting - a habit of writing good content with the sole purpose of getting it linked from multiple sites.

LitBlog - A blog about literature.

Live Bookmarks - a firefox web browser feature. Update themselves automatically with the latest content from the Web.

LiveJournal - free blogging tool by SixApart

LOL - acronym: �laughing out loud�


MailChimp - a program that helps blogs, businesses, and websites create, manage, and perfect their mailing list campaigns (like newsletters, special announcements, RSS feeds, etc) through a user-friendly and visually-appealing interface.

Mailing list - a special list of individuals who opt in to receive custom emails (or RSS feeds) from a specific website, blog, or business.

Meta - loosely, it means �about�; anything meta is not of itself, but about something else; thus a metablog is �about� other blogs. metacubed is about blogs that are about blogs; met4quad is only about metacubed.

Metablog - a blog about blogging.

Metablogging - writing articles about blogging

Metafiltered - to be linked on the website metafilter; often this creates so many web hits that a site becomes unbearably slow or unavailable; to be suddenly enormously popular.

Milblog - Term for blogs written by members or veterans of any branch of military service - Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines. A contraction of military and blog.

Mint, Mybloglog, Measuremap, Analytics - site traffic tracking tools.

Mob Blog - A blog especially for mobile.

Moblog - A portmanteau of "mobile" and "blog". A blog featuring posts sent mainly by mobile phone, using SMS or MMS messages. They are often photoblogs.

Moblogging - Also called moblogs. A blog posted and maintained via mobile phone. Moblogs are created bymobloggers.

Moderator (Mod) - an individual who moderates a forum, thread, or other digital application to make sure all users are following the rules; also the individual who disciplines bad behavior (often by blocking user access and deleting the offensive content)

Mommy blog - A blog featuring discussions especially about home and family.

Movable Type - paid blogging tool by SixApart

Movlogs - mobile video blogs.

MSM - Mainstream Media, or old media like newspapers etc.

Multi Author Blog - A blog where more than one author write blog post.

Multiblog - A blog constructed as a conversation between more than two people.


Navbar - a navigation bar usually seen on top of Blogger blogspot hosted blogs.

Newbie (noob) - someone who is new to any specific program or function

News gallery - A Blog that share news.

News Theme - Theme made by StudioPress, where designing can be done; also it is the interface where visitor interact more.

Niche - It is the Subject of specialization by blogger for writing blogs.

No-Follow links - Links that search engine do not counts.

Click here to read ...... Part-1 [A - B] | Part-2 [C - G] | Part-3 [H - N] | Part-4 [O - S] | Part-5 [T - Z]


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