The Blogging Dictionary - A to Z Glossary of Blogging (First Edition) Part-1

         When I was starter in blogging then I face a lots of problems. I didn�know meaning of various blogging ters like Feed, Dashbord, RSS etc. Everyone needs dictionary to search meaning because Nobody know all words and its mean. So I make a Dictionary on Blogging. Now You Can Start to search your blogging terms.

Download Free Copy of The Blogging Dictionary - A to Z Glossary of Blogging (First Edition) Ebook- Click here


Above the Fold - This phrase refers to any content visible without having to scroll down the page.

Above the Scroll - This is another phrase for Above the Fold. If you can see it without scrolling down, it�s Above the Scroll. This is the most heavily visible portion of the website.

Acronymphomaniacs - people who are constantly horny and enjoy making and/or using acronyms; see TheBrad

Adsense, Adbrite, CJ, Chitka, Blogads - popular Ads providing platforms.

Advertiser - Who advertises on blog.

Affiliate Marketing - the practice of rewarding bloggers monetarily for placing ads and links on their websites to specific businesses

Affiliates - people who are members of affiliate marketing programs; bloggers or website owners who post ads to different companies in return for income

AFK - acronym: away from keyboard

Ajax - acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. creates interactive web applications.

Anonoblog � A blog which is created by any anonymous blogger

AoS - acronym: �Apartment of Sin�; the residence of Chris O�Brien, regardless of his physical location

Archives - collection of all your posts of a blog on one page.

Atom - A popular feed. Best alternative of RSS feed.

Audioblog - It is a part of Podcasting and most of the blog posts are voice recording.

Author - Who writes blog.

Autocasting - Another form of audioblog that automatically updates blog post based on voice.

A-List - the top bloggers who influence the blogosphere.


Blammer � A spammer in blogging.

Blargon � Its a synonyms of Blogssary.

Blaudience � Audience / Visitors of your blog.

Blawg - A Blog related to law and legal stuff.

Bleg - To use one�s blog to beg for assistance etc.

Bleg - To use one�s blog to beg for assistance etc.

Blego � It is made by two word Blog + Ego. Measuring blogger Value.

Blink - short for �web link� a bookmark or URL

Blog - A blog is a continuously updated log of any written, filmed, or recorded material. Blogs are always sorted with the most recent content at the top. It is a portmanteau for �web log.� Example: you are currently reading a blog.

Blog Carnival - A blog article that contains other posts weblinks also which covers a special topic. Most blog carnivals are hosted by a rotating list of frequent contributors to the carnival, and serve to both generate new posts by contributors and highlight new bloggers posting matter in that subject area. Generally it comes in category of internal linking.

Blog client - weblog client. It is a software to manage (post, edit) blogs. It has a spell checker, an editor, and many more things.

Blog hopping � its jumping one to other blog via weblinks.

Blog of Note � A must watch blog for audience (recommended blog).

Blog publishing service - A software which is used to create the blog. Some of the most popular are WordPress, Blogger, TypePad, Movable Type and Joomla.

Blog Software - In general, it is blog client to manage blog�s activity like blog post edit, publish, update, etc. For example: WordPress is an open source software for blogging..

Blogburst - Syndicating your feed to top publishers.

Blogcasting - the blog and the podcast merged into a single website.

Blogexplosion, Blogclicker � Services to increase Traffic.

Blogger - A blogger is a person writes for and/or maintains a blog; OR the name of a blogging platform hosted by Google (

Blogger bash - a celebration blogger party.

Bloggeropoly � a professional blogger hiring company.

Bloggerville - a term used to describe the blog community.

Bloggies - A popular award for best blog.

Blogging - This is the skill of writing posts and maintaining your blog.

Blogging platform - This is the program used to create and maintain a blog. Popular examples,,, Joomla, TypePad, Movable Type, and more.

Bloggoggle - Directory for Professional Blogger. You can use mine J.

Blogorrhea - unusually high output of articles.

BlogHer � A blog which is maintained by Women.

Blogiday � taking a break from blogging.

BlogIRC - a secret gathering of bloggers; meets every Wednesday on the IRCserver; the blogger elite discuss drinking, computers, sex, relationships, blog news, and anything else that they want.

Blogiversary - your blog birthday.

Blogiverse - Term use for blogosphere.

Blogophobia - Fear from blogging and blogs.

Blogopotamus - A very big blog post.

Bloggorhea - diarhhea of the blogger; i.e an unusually high level of posting

Blogosphere - the internet-wide community of bloggers and blogs

Blogover - a weblog redesign; done by someone other than the author or with outside consultation; see also webloglog.

Blogroach - A commenter who is very disagree with the posted content on blog.

Blogroll - A list of blog�s link (generally placed in sidebar) managed by blogger to give link from one blog to other blog (usually in a sidebar list). Also see

Blogsit - the practice of maintaining and caring for a blog on that time when admin blogger is on holidays.

Blogsite - A web site which is creating via blogging platforms. And use dynamic pages known as posts.

Blogspot - free Blogger hosting platform at The domain name given to free blogs run via Google�s service (i.e.

Blogstar � A popular blogger.

Blogstorm - a large amount of blogging activity and creating posts on a special topics controversy. Also named as Blog Swarm.

BlogThis - a social sharing tool on blogger.

Blogvertising � another name is blogvert. Advertising on a blog.

Blogware - A category of software which consists of a specialized form of a Content Management System specifically designed for creating and maintaining weblogs.

Blook - a book created from a blog.

Blurker - a blog reader not posting comments, just lurking around quietly.

Boing Boinged - link posted on driving huge traffic to your blog.

Bookmark - web site addresses saved on your computer to make returning to them easier.

BRB - acronym: �be right back�

Browser - software for viewing web pages.

BSM - Blogstream media. from most heavily trafficked blogs.

Blogerati - the blogosphere intelligentsia.


Cache - temporary storage space; web pages you visit are stored in your browser�s cache directory on your hard drive, when you return to a recently visited page, your browser displays it from the cache, not the web, saving you time and reducing traffic on the server.

Cam - short for webcam.

Captcha - short form of Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. These word and letter verification images you need to type in to show that you are a human and not a robot. Helpful to block spam comments.

Categories - a way of grouping specific types of posts through placing them in categories.

Celeblog - focused on a celebrity.

Celebriblog - maintained by a celebrity.

CEOBlog - a blog written and maintained by the CEO of a company

CGI - common gateway interface; a method of handling forms on web sites

CGI-bin - the most common web server directory that stores CGI programs and scripts.

Clog Blog - written in Dutch and/or in Holland.

CMS - content management system. Any tool used to organize data; in bloggerville this generally means a web-based application such as blogger or greymatter which is used to organize journal entries (posts).

CoComment - Tracks your comments across different platforms and follow conversations.

Collaborative blog - A blog (usually focused on a single issue or political stripe) on which multiple users enjoy posting permission. Also known as group blog.

Comment Box - A box which is placed at the end of blog post where readers share their personal views regarding blog post.

Comment spam - Bogus comments posted by spambots for the sake of advertisements on blogs. Like e-mail spam. Robot �spambots� flood a blog with advertising in the form of bogus Comments - A serious problem that requires bloggers and blog platforms to have tools to exclude some users or ban some addresses in comments.

Commentariat - The community of those leaving comments.

Commenter - someone who leaves remarks / comments on a blog post

Comments - a response left by a blog visitor regarding a post, article, page, etc.

Commission Junction - an affiliate marketing hub that connects bloggers and business owners with the premise of exchanging web presence with cash.

Content - any sort of written, filmed, or recorded material developed for print or publication.

Content Management System (CMS) - a program used to maintain multiple websites in one place.

CPC - stands for cost per click, which refers to how much an advertiser will pay per individual click on an ad you host on your site.

CPM - cost per mille, or how much an advertiser will pay per 1,000 views of their ads on your website.

Crawlability - the level at which search engines can �crawl� and search a website.

Crawlable - websites that are open and accessible to search engines (who �crawl� these sites with their spider-like programs).

Creative Commons - licenses provide a flexible range of protections and freedoms for authors to offer a voluntary �some rights reserved� approach.


Dark Blog - A non-public blog

Dashboard - When you login to your blogging account, it is the first screen with all controls, tools and functions., furl, spurl - share social bookmarks.

Derling - a superior; the opposite of underling (obviously).

Desktop Blogging Client - An off-line blog management (posting, editing and archiving) tool.

Digged - link posted on driving huge traffic to your blog.

Dink- acronym - �delving into naked kvetching�.

Do-Follow link - Link that search engine counts.

Dooced - lost a job because of blog entries. To Dooce.

Doppelblogger - plagiarize the content of another blogger. To Doppelblog.

Draft - an unpublished, preliminary version of an article or post.


Edit - the practice of revising and rewriting content to create a customized and appropriate work

Edu-blog - education oriented blog. Short form of Education Blog.

Education Blog - Blog that shares information regarding study, colleges, universities, Exams, Tests, etc.

EFF - short for Electronic Frontier Foundation. A nonprofit group working to protect blogger rights.

eGads - the electronic form of regular gads; much faster than regular gads and a common method of communication, exclamation, or gyration in Bloggerville

Ego-surfing - to ego-surf is to use any search engine (especially blog search engines) to find other sites (particularly blogs) that are linking to you

EMail whore - someone who will do anything on their blog to get eMail

Event blog - focussed on an event

Expandable post summaries - show a small teaser part of the post on the index page that link to the full post.


Farked - link posted on driving huge traffic to your blog

Faux html - writing something in contrived HTML tags to make a point or express a feeling which may otherwise not be conveyed through words alone; example: <exasperated>Stop it!</exasperated>

Fauxcam - a graphic on a web site which appears as if it is being generated by a webcam but which is really just a static image

Featurette - a �special� item on a blogger�s blog, usually relevant to Bloggervilleresidents and no one else; see also Appendix B � Featurettes.

Feedblitz, Zokooda - Email subscriptions and newletter tools Flickr, Imageshack - photo sharing service. Host images on your blog.

Feedburner - a professional feed management system.

Feeds - RSS Feed generally used to broadcast your blog post.

Finance Blog - Blog that shares information on finance (monetory).

Fisking - To prove blog entry is wrong in line by line fashion.

Flog - A portmanteau of "fake" and "blog". A blog that's ghostwritten by someone, such as in the marketing department. A food blog; sometimes, a blog dedicated to food porn.

Follow - the act of connecting with another blog, website, or social media profile with the intent to keep up-to-date with their every post and move.

Footer - the most bottom part of the blog usually listing navigation and copyright statements.

FTP - short for file transfer protocol. Transferring file to and fro from your web host using FTP tools like Filezilla.


GAD - Google Adsense Disorder. Repeatedly checking your adsense earnings.

GBBC - acronym: �Gay Boy Bloggers Club�.

Giveaway - a contest hosted by a blog or business to give away a product or service; usually requires users to enter by performing specific acts like following on social media sites.

Google AdSense - It is Pay Per Click plan by Google to monetize your content.

Greasemonkey - a firefox web browser extension that can alter the functionality of any website using specific scripts.

Group blog - with multiple contributing bloggers.

Guest Blogging - Guest blogger writes blog on other blog (host blog) for building links and relationship.

Guest Post - Post created by guest blogger on host blog.


Haloscan- free trackback service.

Hat Tip - acknowledgement of the source that tipped you the news.

Header - the topmost part of the blog usually listing the blog title.

Health Blog - Blog that shares information on health and fitness.

Hitnosis - Refreshing your browser repeatedly to see if your hit counter or comments have increased.

Host Blog - Blog that gives invitation to guest bloggers to write guest post.

Hosting: the act of paying for the physical space required to support your website on a company�s servers.

HTML - acronym: �hyper-text markup language�; this is not technically a programming �language�; it is a sort of code which browsers interpret to present web sites to people on line.

Hyperlink - a clickable item on a web page which will direct a browser to load another web page, or to move to another spot on the currently-viewed web page.


ICQ - an instant messaging system used by numerous bloggers to annoy one another constantly, see also IM.

IM - acronym: �instant message�, a pop-up message sent through any of severalinstant messaging systems.

IMHO - acronym: �in my humble opinion�.

IMNSHO - acronym: �in my not so humble opinion�.

Income Report - Bloggers shows chart of their income from blogging.

Index page � the front page fo the blog.

Indexing - the practice of adding new content and sitemaps to the major search engines so that they can find your page, content, or site whenever someone searches in the future. Generally, it is called site indexing that means site added by search engine.

Instalanche - link posted on driving huge traffic to your blog

Internet Marketing - Marketing technique which is used to make money online.

IRC - acronym: �internet relay chat�

IRL - acronym: �in real life� is a way to talk about things that are not on-line; things IRL happen at an incredibly slow pace and I can only rarely link to them

linkslut - someone who does anything to get someone else to link to them


Jblog - A journalist blog. A blog with a Jewish focus.

Joomla - a free, open-source content management framework (like WordPress) with which people can create websites

Jump - the continuation of a the story on another page to preserve space on index page.


K2, Blix - names of some popular wordpress themes

Kittyblogger - writing about cats.

Klog - used by company knowledge workers. by Kloggers


Legal blog - A blog about law.

LifeBlog - A blog about daily life activity.

Lijit - an ad company that works with Federated Media and generally works through CPM.

Linguablog - about linguistics, translation etc.

Linkbaiting - a habit of writing good content with the sole purpose of getting it linked from multiple sites.

LitBlog - A blog about literature.

Live Bookmarks - a firefox web browser feature. Update themselves automatically with the latest content from the Web.

LiveJournal - free blogging tool by SixApart

LOL - acronym: �laughing out loud�


MailChimp - a program that helps blogs, businesses, and websites create, manage, and perfect their mailing list campaigns (like newsletters, special announcements, RSS feeds, etc) through a user-friendly and visually-appealing interface.

Mailing list - a special list of individuals who opt in to receive custom emails (or RSS feeds) from a specific website, blog, or business.

Meta - loosely, it means �about�; anything meta is not of itself, but about something else; thus a metablog is �about� other blogs. metacubed is about blogs that are about blogs; met4quad is only about metacubed.

Metablog - a blog about blogging.

Metablogging - writing articles about blogging

Metafiltered - to be linked on the website metafilter; often this creates so many web hits that a site becomes unbearably slow or unavailable; to be suddenly enormously popular.

Milblog - Term for blogs written by members or veterans of any branch of military service - Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines. A contraction of military and blog.

Mint, Mybloglog, Measuremap, Analytics - site traffic tracking tools.

Mob Blog - A blog especially for mobile.

Moblog - A portmanteau of "mobile" and "blog". A blog featuring posts sent mainly by mobile phone, using SMS or MMS messages. They are often photoblogs.

Moblogging - Also called moblogs. A blog posted and maintained via mobile phone. Moblogs are created bymobloggers.

Moderator (Mod) - an individual who moderates a forum, thread, or other digital application to make sure all users are following the rules; also the individual who disciplines bad behavior (often by blocking user access and deleting the offensive content)

Mommy blog - A blog featuring discussions especially about home and family.

Movable Type - paid blogging tool by SixApart

Movlogs - mobile video blogs.

MSM - Mainstream Media, or old media like newspapers etc.

Multi Author Blog - A blog where more than one author write blog post.

Multiblog - A blog constructed as a conversation between more than two people.


Navbar - a navigation bar usually seen on top of Blogger blogspot hosted blogs.

Newbie (noob) - someone who is new to any specific program or function

News gallery - A Blog that share news.

News Theme - Theme made by StudioPress, where designing can be done; also it is the interface where visitor interact more.

Niche - It is the Subject of specialization by blogger for writing blogs.

No-Follow links - Links that search engine do not counts.


Odeo, Podnova - are Podcatchers, a form of aggregator used to automatically download podcasts and can sometimes transfer a portable media player.

Off- Page SEO - It is SEO technique which is used to optimize website.

On-Page SEO - It is SEO technique which is used to optimize content.

Operating system - the software you use to make your computer or device go (usually DOS, Mac OS, Google Chrome OS, Android, etc).

OPML - short for Outline Processor Markup Language. It is an XML format for outlines. Easily import and export multiple blog subscriptions between different rss aggregators.


Page Rank - Google measures of importance of a page which reflects in its rankings.

Pageflakes, Newsvine - Track multiple feeds on a single page by modules.

Permalink - Permanent link. The unique URL of a single post. Use this when you want to link to a post somewhere.

Phlog - Type of blog utilising the Gopher protocol instead of HTTP. A Photoblog. A portmanteau of "photo" and "blog".

Photoblog - A blog mostly containing photos, posted constantly and chronologically.

Photoblogging - a blog predominantly using and focusing on photographs and images. Photoblogs are created byphotobloggers

Photocast - a photoblog that automatically updates when new photos are added.

Photofeed- a web feed with image enclosures.

Ping - Short for Packet Internet Grouper. Blog and ping helps to notify other blog tracking tools for updates, changes and trackbacks. computers do this to make sure another computer is listening; TheBraddoes this all the time, for no apparent reason.

Pingback - The alert in the TrackBack system that notifies the original poster of a blog post when someone else writes an entry concerning the original post.

Pingomatic, Pingoat - ping multiple blog tracking services.

Plog - a project blog. Also for personalised weblogs.

Plugins - Small files that add improved functionality and new features. WordPress plugins can greatly improve your blog usage and interactivity.

Podcast - It is digital form of blog in which blogger post content in the form of video and audio.

Podcasting - a way to distributing media files (audio / videos etc) online using feeds for playback on a mobile devices and pc. It is created by podcasters.

Post , Entry - An entry written and published to a blog.

Post Slug - For blogs with common language URLs, the post slug is the portion of the URL that represents the post. Example:

Problogger - professional blogger

Progblog - A progressive blog.

Publisher - Who publish advertisement on blog.



Radio Userland - another blog publishing software package.

RDF - short for Resource Description Framework. A web content syndication format.

Reciprocal Links - called link love. You link to my blog, I link to yours. To improve search engine rankings.

Referral logs - files which can be viewed, usually only by a webmaster, which detail who has visited a website and/or how the visitor found the site.

Retweet - the act of sharing a specific post (�tweet�) on Twitter; once re-shared, that post becomes a �retweet�.

RSS - Really Simple Syndication is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines or podcasts.

RSS aggregator - Software or online service allowing a blogger to read an RSS feed, especially the latest posts on their favourite blogs. Also called a reader, or feedreader.

RSS feed -The file containing a blog�s latest posts. It is read by an RSS aggregator/reader and shows at once when a blog has been updated. It may contain only the title of the post, the title plus the first few lines of a post, or the entire post.

RSS Reader - Tools which is used to read RSS feeds. It is also called as RSS aggregator.


Searchability - the ability at which search engines can crawl and search a website.

Self-hosting - the act of paying a company or agency a monthly or yearly fee to store your website on their servers.

SEO - search engine optimization, or the practice of creating websites and content that are easily readable and accessible by search engines so as to bring in the right traffic. To improve your search engine rankings.

Share - specifically re-distributing a post, picture, or other content on a variety of social media platforms so that your readers can view something that someone else posted.

Shocklog - provokes discussion by posting shocking content.

Sidebar - One or more columns along one or both sides of most blogs main page.

Sideblog - A smaller blog usually placed in the sidebar of a blog.

Sitemap - It contains all information of your site at a single place to easily index your site by search engine.

Slug - A portion of URL that represents posts in common language.

Social media - any website, app, or virtual program that allows individuals to converse and connect over a variety of causes, events, programs, or whatnot. Social media includes blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Feed Readers, Wikis, and a variety of other capabilities. Basically, it�s anywhere people engage together online.

Subscribe - It allows readers to receive notifications regarding blog post directly to their email id.


Tag - a word, often a keyword, used to classify specific blog topics or ideas. Tag cloud � Displaying tags lists or keywords in a blog.

Tech blog - A technology based blog.

Technorati � A populer blog submitting dicrectory.

Templates - It is form of theme to make interface between readers of the blog.

The BOBs-The largest international blog awards.

Theme - CSS based code that when applied to the templates will result in visual element changes to the blog. The theme, as a whole, is also referred to as a blog design.

TrackBack - A system that allows a blogger to see who has seen the original post and has written another entry concerning it. The system works by sending a 'ping' between the blogs, and therefore providing the alert.

Transfer - the act of transferring a domain from one website hosting company to another; often requires payment to do so.

Typepad � A blogging platform alternative to blogger and wordpress.


Update - It is referred to re-publish your published article if you�ve made some changes in it.

Upgrade - It is similar to update. It allows you to update your plugins and themes with new versions.

Upload - It is referred to keep data in your database.

URL - acronym: �universal resource locator�; a web address.

User - anyone who accesses a page, program, or website online. Users can either be registered or anonymous.


Vblog - A blog that share information in the form of video.

Vlogging - Also called video blogging. Shortened to vlog. Posted by vlogger. A variant on the blogging using video instead of text.


Web Feed - allows online users to subscribe to websites that change or add content regularly

Webcam - a camera which uploads a photograph of its surroundings to a web site at some predetermined interval

Weblog - Another meaning used for blog. An online dated diary listing your periodic thoughts on a specific topic, often in reverse chronological order.

Wiki - means �fast� or �quick,� and refers to a system of website development that allows users to generate, edit, monitor, and modify content on their own; most famously, - a free blogging platform with paid options; the free version of - a blogging platform used by people who host their own websites; one of the most dynamic and capable blogging platforms on the web; endlessly customizable


XFN - short for XHTML Friends Network. Is a simple way to represent human relationships using hyperlinks.

XML - short form of eXtensible Markup LanguageXML Sitemap - It is sitemap in .xml format. For example:


Yoast - It is plugin for WordPress to make your site friendly for search engine.

YouTube, Rapidshare - puts video on your blog


Zip File - Generally, All plugins and themes comes in .zip folder.

404 Error - the error code for �file not found�. slang used to describe the error message displayed by a server when the error code 404 is returned.

This post is constantly updated. Help me develop this blogging resource to include all popular blogging terms and create a useful blogging glossary. I repeat that this is NOT a substitute for dictionary meaning or a strict definition of these terms, but a simple layman approach to understanding what they mean. Please feel free to propose a better meaning in the comments.

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