Introduction to New Blogger Dashboard Complete Step by Step Reference With Pictures

               Hi everybody, I am sure that all of you are fine. Welcome to today's tutorial �Introduction to New Blogger Dashboard�. After a long time i am writting a blog post. Today i am introduce you to blogger dashboard.

At first Sign in with your Blogger account if you don't have an account at Blogger than first create an account at If you are new at Blogger than these below posts may be helpful for you.

After sign in you are at your blogger Dashboard. Now your all blogs list display on your computer screen.

At every blog you have three option you can in below image. And blogger also display your blog�s total pageview, total posts, last published post date, and also follower awating moderrating comments and at left most you have also a option to create a new blog.

The three option show above image in red box directly link with your particular blog. First pencil icon is to create a new blog post, second option is a drop-down list in which where your Blogger Dashboard displays for a particular blog which you choose before and the third one is to view your blog.

Now choose a paricular blog form your all blogs list. Now you are at its Dashboard. Its look like the below image.

Top bar

On the top the three option remain same only first blogger icon is differ which linked with home(previous page).

Menu bar-


It will show the almost all overview of your blog.its open default when you choose a particular blog. At here you can see your pageview graph. And many more other things like comment awaiting moderation, published comments, pageview today followers and at below the graph you can see the three top traffic sources.


Click Post and it will show you All posts, Published posts and Draft post. And all other information about your posts like tags which you add in your blog post, auther name, Google +, comment on a particular post,pageview at a paricular post. And on top you have some options delete post, publish post, revert to draft.


It will show you all pages of your blog. You can add more and you can delete any of them and can customize them. See the below image.


Here you can see all the comment of your audience. You can also delete them and can reply any one. Here blogger show you all comment in three category Published,Awating moderation and spam. Don�t publish any spam comment on your blog.


Click the tab it will help you share your blog to Google plus audience.


Here you can see Overview, Post, Traffic Source, Audience.Click those option and get the Stats.


From here you can monetize your blog such as Ad-sense.


From you can adjust your blog layout such as add gadget to your blog from here.


From you can Customize or Edit HTML the Template of your blog.


From here you can Adjust or Re adjust the settings of your blog. Here you have five type of setttings basic, posts and comments, mobile and email, Language and formatting, Search preferences and other. Coose any of them and set up your blog properly.

I hope you like this post. You like and find it useful than please share and like it on social network. Have any query? Write below in comment box. Thank you J


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