
Showing posts from May, 2013

Arduino Workshop: A Hands-On Introduction with 65 Projects

Arduino Workshop: A Hands-On Introduction with 65 Projects Learn the Basics, Build the Projects, Create Your Own The Arduino is a cheap, flexible, open source microcontroller platform designed to make it easy for hobbyists to use electronics in homemade projects. With an almost unlimited range of input and output add-ons, sensors, indicators, displays, motors, and more, the Arduino offers you countless ways to create devices that interact with the world around you. In  Arduino Workshop , you'll learn how these add-ons work and how to integrate them into your own projects. You'll start off with an overview of the Arduino system but quickly move on to coverage of various electronic components and concepts. Hands-on projects throughout the book reinforce what you've learned and show you how to apply that knowledge. As your understanding grows, the projects increase in complexity and sophistication. Among the book's 65 projects are useful devices like: A digital thermometer...

Voltmeter Software Application using Arduino to Read Voltages

An Arduino Uno is used as a 4 channel voltmeter. The voltmeter readings and graphs are displayed in a software application on the computer. The computer software is written in the Processing language so should run on Windows, Linux and Mac.

Processing + Android

Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions. Initially developed to serve as a software sketchbook and to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context, Processing also has evolved into a tool for generating finished professional work. Today, there are tens of thousands of students, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists who use Processing for learning, prototyping, and production. Free to download and open source Interactive programs using 2D, 3D or PDF output OpenGL integration for accelerated 3D For GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows Projects run online or as double-clickable applications Over 100 libraries extend the software into sound, video, computer vision, and more... Well documented, with many books available Processing for Android project is aim to make it foolishly easy to create Android apps using the Processing API. Once you have Processing on your machine...

Introduction to New Blogger Dashboard Complete Step by Step Reference With Pictures

               Hi everybody, I am sure that all of you are fine. Welcome to today's tutorial �Introduction to New Blogger Dashboard�. After a long time i am writting a blog post. Today i am introduce you to blogger dashboard. At first Sign in with your Blogger account if you don't have an account at Blogger than first create an account at If you are new at Blogger than these below posts may be helpful for you. After sign in you are at your blogger Dashboard. Now your all blogs list display on your computer screen. At every blog you have three option you can in below image. And blogger also display your blog�s total pageview, total posts, last published post date, and also follower awating moderrating comments and at left most you have also a option to create a new blog. The three option show above image in red box directly link with your particular blog. First pencil icon is to create a new blog post, second option is a drop-down list...

Arduino and Processing

Processing is an open source language/ development tool for writing programs in other computers. Useful when you want those other computers to "talk" with an Arduino, for instance to display or save some data collected by the Arduino. Arduino comes with some basic examples for communicating with Processing (in Examples > Communication). These are useful for when you want to write both Arduino and Processing programs and have them talk to each other. This works best for communicating simple information. know more: Arduino Playground - Arduino and Processing

Arduino I2C Tutorials

I2C Communication: This Arduino tutorial covers using I2C to communicate with an EEPROM chip. Arduino to Arduino I2C: Using I2C to communicate between two Arduinos.

Arduino Wire Library for I2C communication

The Wire Library allows developer to communicate with I2C / TWI devices. On the Arduino boards with the R3 layout (1.0 pinout), the SDA (data line) and SCL (clock line) are on the pin headers close to the AREF pin. The Arduino Due has two I2C / TWI interfaces SDA1 and SCL1 are near to the AREF pin and the additional one is on pins 20 and 21. remark: TWI stands for Two Wire Interface and for most marts this bus is identical to I²C. The name TWI was introduced by Atmel and other companies to avoid conflicts with trademark issues related to I²C.

Nokia 5110 84X48 LCD display@Arduino Uno

How to use the Nokia 5110 84X48 LCD display with Arduino This is the Nokia 5110 84X48 display that was used on millions of phones in the late 90's. In this video, the video show how to connect the Nokia 5110 LCD to an Arduino Uno, import the correct libraries to the Arduino IDE, and write code to generate text and graphics on the display.

Play WAV files from SD card with Wise Clock 3/4 board

The video below shows  another hack for Wise Clock 3/4 , playing a WAV file directly (not using extra hardware) from SD card, with the help of the  TMRpcm library . The TMRpcm software uses the standard SD library (coming with Arduino IDE 1.0 and later) to read WAV files from SD card. To output the audio while buffering the content of the SD file, TMRpcm uses ISR triggered by internal timer. The buzzer/speaker can be connected only to certain pins of the processor. For ATmega1284/ATmega644 (used in Wise Clock 3/4 ), these pins are D3, D4, D12, D13, D14 and D15, as shown in the definition below (from sanguino core file pins_arduino.c ). From the perspective of TMRpcm library, the buzzer in Wise Clock 4 is connected to the "wrong" pins, D22 and D23, which are not eligible for this trick. I chose to connect another speaker to pin D13, but that's already taken by the display (CS, pin 1). So I had to cut the trace from D13 to the display, and connect pin 1 of the display to ...

Great User Interface using Raspberry PI and JavaFX

Angela Caicedo, Java Evangelist, explains how to create an application with great user interface using Raspberry PI and JavaFX. Fascinated with 3D, she uses simple techniques that can make your UI unbelievably realistic without the need for 3D hardware.

Getting started with Java ME Embedded 3.3 on the Keil Board

This videos will show you all the steps you need to follow to develop your first applications using Java ME Embedded 3.3 on the Keil board. Getting started with Java ME Embedded 3.3 on the Keil Board . PART I Getting started with Java ME Embedded 3.3 on the Keil Board. PART II


1. Some time ago I did some (unpaid and unaccredited) work for a kickstarter project that ultimately failed to raise the required funds. My task was to develop a prototype board that can read data from a sensor and post it over WiFi to a web site ( -like). The board I designed was based on readiymate , piggybacking on its capability to update the software "over the air" (through WiFi), which at the time seemed to be the only board offering this feature. Although a readiymate-based system is not cheap nor sophisticated enough (design and feature-wise) to become a commercial success (like the Nest thermostat , for instance), it relies on easy-to-find off-the-shelf components, it is open source and Arduino-compatible. So, it is easy to modify, adapt, hack and support. Here are some photos of my readiymate-derivative board, for the record, and also with the hope that someone may find it interesting enough to pick up the pieces and develop it further. Please contact me i...

Hacking Wise Clock 3/4 - Graphical Audio Spectrum Analyzer

For those who asked how to add hardware and software to their Wise Clock 3 or 4 , here is a step-by-step recipe, using the example of a digital vu-meter. The hardware itself is nothing new , based on the MSGEQ7 "graphic equalizer display filter" chip. The minor challenge is adding the multi-band vu-meter application to the existing Wise Clock 3/4 software. Step 1. First make sure that the new hardware works on its own. Connect it to an Arduino and test it with a sketch that performs the desired functionality. This sketch will be the base code for your new Wise Clock 4 "app". In my example, I assembled the circuit shown below, where the MSGEQ7 and the 3216 display are connected to an old seeeduino. The 3216 display is connected to the same digital pins used in Wise Clock 4 (D12, D13, D14, D15). The MSGEQ7 chip uses analog pin A2 and digital pins D2 and D3 (these will  need to be later adapted for  Wise Clock 4 ). The little green "appendix" connected t...

Quality of Google ADK 2012 Code

We all want to have more Android automation in our homes. XDA Elite Recognized Developer AdamOutler set out to do just that and spent around 40 hours attempting to reduce and rewrite the code driving the ADK2012 into something which would be more moldable and bendable. He failed and he explains why in his rant which he calls the ADK2012 "The Worst Code Ever". So if you've ever wanted to work with Google Accessory Development Kit makes ure to check out this video. This will give you a little insight as to what trials and tribulations you may have with this resource. Before you engage in a head desk collision session, check out what Adam has to say.

Apple vs Samsung/Microsoft!!!

Don't Fight - Microsoft New Commercial Mocks Apple And Samsung