Blogger vs. Wordpress. Why blogger is better and recommended for you?


           There are many platforms are available to create a blog. But at here we consider here only top two popular platforms Blogger and Wordpress. If you are new in blogging field and want to choose one from them. You are confused that which blogging service is better?

We always recommended for Blogger. Why? I answered it below?

          Running a blog is so enjoyable, but if you are new in this field and want to start blogging to determine certain things for yourself from a professional perspective. If you are at just start, it is always suggested to use Blogger. If you know all the functions of Wordpress than you can choose Wordpress. To get a better choice for you, consider a constructive view of blogger or Wordpress each. First, what Blogger offers and all about its features.

About Blogger

          Blogger is Google�s free tool for creating weblog or blog. You can create your blog  via blogger at Blogger is owned and operated by Google, is easy to set up, use and work. You can easily make blog only in few minutes. Once you establish the account. You can start posting.

          Blogger provides a gadgets/plug-in at store bloggerpluginsthere are a good collection of gadgets. You can also add your own. Blogger provides cool and simple templates, but for get more templates many sites are providing free templates. We are also launching some blogger template soon.

About Wordpress

            WordPress is the second option for your blog. WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool and a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. You can use it free at
          Wordpress is complex in use. You need time to understand it completely. And I think it not more useful for newbie blogger. If you know its all feature very well than you can go for wordpress.
          Every blogger wants these most important feature in his blog less loading time, Money saving, More Secure and easily google adsense . all these features I describe in brief at below.
Now We compare these two blogging platform on the basis of these four features.

Money Saving

          Initially both blogger and wordpress are free. You can buy free domain by Blogspot and wordpress interface but your blogs are created as sub domain with url like and on wordpress your blog url look likes as
          If you want to upgrade your blog domain to .com or other top listed domain. Then you need two things : First a domain name and second a host.
          Many domain seller sites are available like Godaddy, hostgator, bigrock and many more. You can buy your domain from there. Now you want a host in case of blogger you don�t need a host because blogspot host it free. And if you are using wordpress , It is self-hosted blog so it requires money to host.
          You need to upload your wordpress with setting and other thing to your host and  the user has to pay some amount in order to transfer an existing domain.

More Secure

          Blogger is more secured than Wordpress. Blogger is a secured platform and thus the BlogSpot blogs are rarely hacked. WordPress is not completely safe platform, the number of hacking reports are more here. You need to take some security measures to protect your blog from hackers.

Google ad sense

         Blogger is Google produce so at blogger easy to get Google ad sense. And blogger has also provided ad sense option in dashboard so you can easily claim but at Wordpress no option for Ad sense in dashboard.  In Wordpress you required to install plug-in like Easy Ad sense Lite, Quick Ad sense etc. But your earning depends only on your works. So  work hard with originality and success is for sure for you.

Easy to Use

          Blogger is easy to use. Blogger has an updated new dashboard design. Now more features are available at Blogger, but to make use of all of them, compulsory to enable JavaScript. WordPress is also provide good Dashboard many of users feel too much difficult to use it, they don�t understand by its all options.
You can easily access your Blogger dashboard on mobile also and can update your blog, But you can publish your post by sending SMS or MMS, for more information

Less Loading time

          Blogger is faster than Wordpress. It took less loading time. Blogger can work at slow net speed (at GPRS and low Bandwidth). But wordress is slow and took  much time to load. Wordpress doesn�t work well with slow net speed.

Why I don't mention about SEO?

Because It totally depends on your link building and keywords using skills.  Both Blogger and Wordpress good for SEO.
Recently Blogger added some features like robots.txt, meta description, no-follow and no-index commands etc. To make your blogs more search engines friendly.

Bonus share

Many bloggers ask me that Wordpress gives more space than Blogger.

          When you upload photos to Blogger they are stored in Picasa. There you can browse your images. In blogger there is 1 GB of storage space but blogger do not count images under size of 2048�2048 so its work as more that 1 TB. Wordpress provide 3 GB space, but if you want more space then you�ll charges some money.

In case of video all we use to link YouTube video because Google is also provide ad sense for YouTube so it�s useful to make more money.  

          Hope the post helped you to make a good choice for your blog. If you liked it then do share and comment below. you can subscribe to feeds for daily update.
Keep blogging J


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