
Showing posts from August, 2012

Earn $1 for each click:

Hello friends, in my earlier posts I have told you how to earn money by sending sms and many more ways to earn money like paisalive, amulyam and adfly. Today I will tell you the simplest way to earn money in DOLLARS. Register here to start earning now. Read more »

Earn $1 for each click:

Hello friends, in my earlier posts I have told you how to earn money by sending sms and many more ways to earn money like paisalive, amulyam and adfly. Today I will tell you the simplest way to earn money in DOLLARS. Register here to start earning now. Read more »

From customer email

Just wanted to let you know I finished putting together my Wise Clock 4 and it looks and works great!  Only took me about 6 months to get started it J .  Thanks for putting together such a nice kit.  I didn�t install an xbee on it yet but hope to experiment with that sometime this year.   I really like all the different modes � and have to read up on what they all do.  Is there a good link you can point me to that describes them?  Hope you are still working on new clock ideas.  Think I saw your name as a supporter of the word clock out on kickstarter? Bill On the 3216 LED display from Sure Electronics: I did look at the clocking relationships on the scope. The clock to data hold timing on the HC164 was marginal, 2ns, versus -2ns typical and 4ns minimum. Meaning it will probably work, but it's not certain. CLK, DATA and WR are buffered through 2 sections of an HC04, with a delay of 11ns, but CS_OUT is not, so with every successive board in a chain this timing degrades. 

Password protect chrome browser using Simple Startup Password

Hi TTH readers, today I am going to tell you the simple trick which will allow you to apply startup password in chrome. Some people like me keeps logged in their system and many bookmarks are also saved in the browser. After installing this addon, they can apply password so that their personal stuffs remain personal. I will use Simple Startup Password extension for this purpose. Read more »

How to use facebook in schools and colleges if blocked by System administrator

Hi friends, I think you are enjoying my tricks. Many of my friends from different colleges has asked me the process to open facebook in college labs as it is blocked there. Its true in my case also. Our college has blocked all the social networking sites. So whenever I open any social networking site then we get a message "ACCESS DENIED". It frustrates a lot. But don't worry, today I am going to tell you a simple process by which you can access fb anywhere. This trick Read more »

How to undo sent e-mail messages in gmail

Hi friends, today I am going to tell you how to undo sent email in gmail. It seems very absurd but its true. Sometimes we may click on send button in the middle of composing email or sometimes we forget to attach any file. Don't worry, we have a solution. You can recall those emails. If you make a typo or regret sending a Read more »

Collection of Google Doodles

Hi friends, I think all of you know what a google doodle is. For those, who don't know I want to tell that when you open then you get a new style written google daily. Some times it contains games, sometimes someone's Birthday doodle or sometimes any other funny things. Thats a doodle. I know, the term is a jargon which may confuse you but after my explanation, you might have known it. All of you might be loving doodle, me too. Not Read more »

Magic in Microsoft word

Hi friends, I hope you are enjoying my tips and tricks. Today I am going to tell you a trick to be used in microsoft word. It is just like a magic. Read more »

Nokia mobiles' secret codes

Hi friends, All of you know many secret codes of nokia phone. In the previous post, i have told you how to check quality of nokia phone . Today, I will tell you some more codes that are not known to users. It will work on almost all nokia mobile set. You can display the hidden information of mobile phone and troubleshoot the routine problem using this code. Read more »

Disable right click context menu in windows explorer

Hi friends, today I will tell you how to disable and enable right click contest menu in windows explore. Context menu is the menu that appears when you right click anywhere. Here is the simplest trick to disable that, without using any software. This trick is not much useful for the users because they don't need to disable right click, Do you? But then also, I am providing for the basic knowledge purpose. I am doing this by editing the registry. Read more »

Wise Clock 4 - Status update

It's been a slow (and hot, temperature-wise) summer, spent mostly answering customer (and other Arduino fellows asking for help) emails, with almost no notable achievements. Improved the design of the Wise Clock 4+ board by adding support for the JY-MCU bluetooth module  connected as shown in the next photo (and controlled using the SoftwareSerial library on pins D20 and D21). Created the software framework for a Scheduler (subject of a future post); this should support features like multiple alarms, job activation at given times etc. Beside his great contribution to the code, MikeM found a fix for the SoftwareSerial bug on ATmega1284P (D20 and D21 did not work because JTAG is enabled); he also sent this photo of his stack of Wise Clock 4s with dual 5mm LED displays. Added to my to-do list: Android app to remote-control Wise Clock 4; remote sensors to start and stop the chronometer function of the clock (request from Javier); join a WiFi network in a user-friendly, easy-to-confi

Download TGMC 2012 Scenarios

What is TGMC (The Great Mind Challenge)? TGMC promotes students from engineering colleges from across India in their endeavor to develop solutions for real-time problems and scenarios using IBM open source software. It is aimed to encourage students who aspire to make key contributions to develop applications on cutting-edge IBM technologies while providing them with an opportunity to improve their software-writing skills. Read more »

How to create a SECRET folder (not hidden) without any software

Hi TTH readers, today I am going to show you how to make a SECRET folder. Please notice the word SECRET, its not hidden folder. In my previous post, I have told you how to make a super hidden folder and how to lock folder without any software . Almost everyone know how to make a hidden folder and also how to show them in windows. But if folder will look like any innocent icon like "My computer" then anyone will be easily fooled that its an icon of My computer. If anyone will click this icon then he will not be able to see your secret material, he will be able to open My Computer from this icon. Read more »

Run multiple commands in command prompt simultaneously

Hi friends, I bet all of you have worked with command prompt. It may happen that as a beginner you might not know much commands. One thing you might have noticed that in a single command prompt, i mean single instance of a command prompt, you can run only one command. What I basically mean to say that, till now you were entering one command and used to press enter for letting the command to execute succssfully and the result of the command fired is shown in the screen of comand prompt. Read more »