Buy Complete Wise Clock 4 kit - includes display and enclosure

Update July 7, 2015
Before you buy, please read this post on assembling the Wise Clock 4 with the new display.

When you buy the "Complete Wise Clock 4 kit", on top of the Wise Clock 4 kit you get the 3216 bi-color (red/green/orange) LED display from Sure Electronics, plus the enclosure, consisting of two laser-cut transparent acrylic plates and the required hardware (standoffs, screws etc) to assemble it.

 US$125 US$115 - free shipping to North America

The "complete kit" comes with everything you need to build a functional Wise Clock 4. You will need to add your own FAT16/FAT32-formatted SD card (with the necessary files on it), the miniB USB power cable and, eventually, an BTBee module (if you want Wise Clock 4 to display messages sent from your Android device).

The assembly guide, written by StefanK, can be found here.


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