IllyClock revisited - the minimalist look

Remember IllyClock, the Arduino-alarm-clock-in-a-coffee-can (featured on

We now have a new streamlined version, featuring rechargeable battery shield, tilt switches, infrared receiver, buzzer.
Although some of the "cool factor" is lost, this version is easier to build, a bit more practical (it is "portable") and smarter (with new, extended, software).

It was just a matter of time until someone would prefix the name IllyClock with an S. I wanted to be the first one on the record to do that; so from now on, we'll name this new version SillyClock.

NOTE: One more reason to call it "silly". I wrongly assumed that the previous IllyClock sketch, referencing a rotary encoder, would work without modifications with the new dualRG LED matrix shield, which has the rotary encoder replaced by two buttons. My apologies to anyone whom I misled with my assumption. The modified code can be downloaded from here. This file contains the sketches for both IllyClock (with rotary encoder; identical with the old code) and SillyClock (with 2 push buttons).

SillyClock is built using:
  • Wiseduino+ (Arduino-compatible, with ATmega328, has on-board DS3231 real time clock and 256KB of EEPROM);
  • dual RG LED matrix shield (has on-board tilt switch, two push buttons and infrared receiver);
  • Li-Ion battery shield (third party, there are many out there to chose from);
  • a second tilt switch and a piezo buzzer, both placed in the proto-area of Wiseduino+;
  • two laser-cut plexiglass plates (plus standoffs, screws and nuts) as enclosure.

Here is a (TODO) list of  features I will add to the software in the next few days:
  • take advantage of the tilt switches to display scrolling time and quotes when the clock is placed horizontally, as in BookClock;
  • make use of the Infrared receiver for remote control;
  • hourglass;
  • kitchen timer.
On the hardware side, I would add, under the back transparent plate, a solar panel for recharging the battery (this feature is supported by the battery shield, I believe). Stay tuned.


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