June 2011 release of Wise Clock 3 software

Mr. Ruud van der P. graciously offered his skills and time to extend and improve the Wise Clock 3 software, for which I am grateful.
He also took the video below, showing some of the newly added features in action.

This June/2011 release of Wise Clock 3 software (download from here) includes these features and changes:
  • PacMan - this new menu entry will show PacMan every 60 seconds.
  • Brightness of the display can now be changed with the Set key.
  • Show seconds in some of the "BIG" modes.
  • Time color when alarm is set: 3 hours before the alarm goes off, the time is displayed in orange, 2 hours before the alarm goes off in red; otherwise, time is displayed in green.
  • Chime may be enabled, giving a short beep at the half hour and a double beep at the full hour.
  • Alarm sound - the alarm will now play "Frere Jacques" followed by a siren and can be stopped by any button.
  • Menu will no longer show entries which do not make sense, like DATE+ when the Date was already on.
  • Score - new menu entry to keep a score for 2 players from 0 - 99.
  • Colors are now used in the Life and Demo apps.
  • Temperature is now a bit more accurate (after warming up) and uses the degree symbol to display the temp both in Celsius and Fahrenheit. In order to quickly see if the temp is rising or falling it is displayed with 1 decimal.
  • Bug fix: the file manager for the memory card did not read the last sector of a file and did not always handle the EOF (03) character correctly. It is important that all files have a EOF (03) character at the end to prevent reading behind the end of the file.
  • Displaying reminders:
    • At startup and at midnight the message.txt file is scanned for any reminder for that new day.
    • An orange dot is displayed at the bottem during this scan
    • If a reminder is found then it will be displayed (like the quotes) for the next 24 hours
    • The message file may also contain the start and end date of the Daylight Saving Time period (DST), this will adjust the clock by 1 hour.
    • The personal Message is still contained in this message file but must now start with [M1] which will allow for more then 1 Personal Message in a future release.
    • See message.txt for more details and add your own reminders.

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