Hockey scoreboard
What's missing from this picture (of a backyard hockey rink)? You got it (probably the post title helped too): a scoreboard. For those not familiar, a traditional one looks like in the photo below (click on it to see it bigger). It may look simple, but it provides a lot of functionality: display 2-digit home score; display 2-digit visitor score; countdown timer, with the starting time configurable/settable; timer displays mostly minutes and seconds, but under 1 minute, it displays seconds and tenths of a second; stop/resume the countdown; display round/period; number of periods is configurable/user-settable; buzzer sounding at the end of the round, game or on demand; penalty timers for up to four players (that also stop/resume with the main timer); functions as a clock when not used in a game. The control for the hockey scoreboard is pretty complex too. The control console is usually wired to the scoreboard. Sometimes the console is detachable (brought in to the booth by the score...