
Showing posts from November, 2015

Watch torrent videos online without downloading

Torrent is one of the most popular tool for downloading movies and other v ideos. But the problem with the torrent is that many of the links provided are fake, which is quite difficult to identify. Some of the torrents come with sample video quality where you can check video quality, and download it, if it satisfies you. Read more »

How to stop autoplay of videos in facebook

Hi friends, you might have seen that facebbok autoplays videos that are listed on your timeline, although muted. This involves useless consumption of data. Even if you dont want to see the video, it gets downloaded and is played. To get rid of this, you can do simple tweak in facebook setting, mentioned below. Read more »

Automatic Street Light Controller Circuit Using LDR And 555 Timer IC

We are living in the world where everything goes to be automatic from your washing machine to your ceiling fan. Street lights are one of those examples of the automatic world. Automatic street light are those light which needs no manual operation to gets turn ON and turn OFF. Did you ever try to make such kind of street lights that gets turn ON and turns OFF automatically? In this article, we are going to make automatic street light using LDR and 555 timer IC. List of Components   555 Timer IC LDR LED Potentiometer Resistor 1* 1k ohm  Resistor 1* 220 ohm 9V Battery Printed Circuit Board(PCB) Or BreadBoard  Circuit Diagram A very simple circuit diagram of automatic street light is given below.  Automatic Street Light Controller Circuit Principle and Working of Automatic Street Light Controller 555 Timer IC is the main part of the circuit that works as a comparator. All the working of this circuit depends on the working of the 555 timers Ic.To know more about 555 times IC read this arti

Atmel AVR Studio - Download and Install

In the previous article, we learn why AVR microcontrollers are so popular for designing embedded system projects. We have got the basic knowledge of ATmega16 Pin description  and other required data through its datasheet. Now we can move forward to code our microcontroller. So In this article, we are going to install and setup the Atmel studio.  Source: ATMEL HOW TO INSTALL ATMEL STUDIO  Those who have been using an earlier version of Atmel studio can realize that there are not so much difference between the new version of Atmel studio except the awesome UI. To download the atmel studio first you have to go to the atmel website or simply click  here . There you may see two option for downloading atmel studio like this: Software                   Description           1                          Atmel studio (latest version name) eg. Atmel studio 7.0 (build 634) web installer                                   (recommended)                                   2.38 MB, Required internet ac

AVR Microcontroller ATmega16 - An Introduction

ATMEL AVR microcontrollers are very popular among Engineers,Students and Hobbyist  for designing mid range embedded system projects. All embedded system needs brain that receives external signal, interprets it and perform a set of task accordingly. AVR microcontroller are best option for this purpose because AVR microcontroller have powerful instruction set and have high speed.In this article we'll discuss the basic  of ATMEL ATmega16 microcontroller. WHICH AVR I USE  AVR Features ATMEL AVR microcontrollers are available in the market in many varieties. But most popular and used AVR microcontrollers are ATmega8, Atmega16 and ATmega32. All these microcontrollers are belongs to ATMEL mega family. There are no difference between avr microcontroller. They only differs in memory size and Price. Nomenclature of Atmega uCs Atmega16 Pin Configuration Pin Configuration Pin 10 and 11 : These pins are available for the power supply of uC. Atmega16 works at 5V. Pin 9 : This pin is used for Re