555 Timer IC: Introduction, Working and Pin configuration
One of the most versatile linear integrated circuit is 555 timer. 555 timer IC was first introduced in early 1970 by Signetics Corporation.555 timer IC is incredibly low cost and popular timing IC that is used by electronics student, hobbyist for generating timing delay and pulses. Mono stabale and astable multi vibrators is that the most correct example of its application. With the exception of this it's conjointly used for oscillations, waveform generators, analog frequency meters, voltage regulators, digital probes, tone generation, frequency divider and lots of others.This device is obtainable as 8-pin mini Dual-in-line package(DIP) or 14 pin Dual-in-line package(DIP) that consist 25 transistor,16 resistors, 2 diode. PIN CONFIGURATION OF 555 TIMER IC 8-Pin DIP 555 Timer IC Pin 1: Ground This pin is used to measured the all voltages. Pin 2: Trigger Negative going pulse is applied to this pin whose dc level is greater than 1/3 times ...