
Showing posts from June, 2014

Wise Clock chronometer completed

As I briefly mentioned in my previous post , I re-started working on the Wise Clock chronometer . That old version only displayed the time from the RTC, and lacked basic user functions like setting the time from buttons. Even though it was called "chronometer" it did not have a proper timer functionality (besides showing the time with seconds). I implemented the new software(*) ( available here ) as a state machine, easy to describe, understand and upgrade. Below is the diagram with the states and transitions. This clock uses the same board as Wise Clock 4 , but a jumper connects SQW of DS3231 to D2 (INT2 interrupt pin of ATmega1284). This allows the software to take advantage of an ISR being called every second, which in turn updates the time on the display. Because this approach is in contrast to the existing Wise Clock 4 software (which did polling on RTC to update the time on the screen), its integration into the main trunk would be difficult, if not impossible. In any c...

Hadoop Installation on Ubuntu Multinode Clusters | hadoop tutorial for beginners

If you have set up hadoop on signle node then what next? Install it on multinode. Yes ! In short follow below steps & enjoy hadoop at multiple platform :- Requirement:- 2 or more ubuntu systems (one for master or others for slaves) Single node setup first In previous post you learnt how to set up ubuntu on single node so at first set up hadoop on two or more systems. Bonus -  Change 'master' as system name of master system or 'slave1', 'slave2', ... of slave systems. This is convention not a must follow rule. Follow conventions to avoid unwanted errors or easily trace them. Note- master will also work as slave. How ? Open file /etc/hostname or change YourPcName with master or slave Network setting So you have installed single node. Yes, then continue first stop each single node cluster by using ' '. To install hadoop on multinode each system much have to on a network. So connect system by using LAN or WAN. Then update /etc/hosts 192.1...

Hadoop Installation on Ubuntu Single Node Cluster | hadoop tutorial for beginners

Installing hadoop on single node quite simple if one proceed in through steps. To install hadoop there some specific steps. Going through which it takes hardly ten minutes to setup the environment on single node. These steps are as follow just remember the header, each step will further described later. So lets start with hadoop. 1. Prerequisite JAVA - Hadoop build on java platform so it need an java environment to execute it task. Thus one who want hadoop he must have java installed in his/her machine. Support hadoop can support any version of java higher than java 1.5 (aka java). To install java: sudo apt-get update it will update your machine. It need to be done in a newly install ubuntu environment. It simple make packages of Apache available to ubuntu. sudo apt-get upgrade This command will check for new version of different packages. sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk Now check whether java installation was correctly done or not. java -version it will show the version of java wh...