
Showing posts from February, 2014

"Method and apparatus" for mass-synchronizing clocks

Most of my clocks (e.g. this Nixie clock , this other Nixie clock , BookClock , and obviously Wise Clock 4 ) have on-board Bluetooth, intended mainly for setting up the time, without the need for buttons (the lousy holes I would drill may negatively impact the aesthetics). To set up the time, simply send the command TIME=hh:mm:ss , where "hh", "mm", "ss" are the hours, the minutes and the seconds, respectively. Setting up multiple clocks is a tedious process: pair your Android tablet with one at a time, then (from BlueTerm) send the command that includes the correct time. Then repeat for each clock. What if you could broadcast the TIME=... command? And that command to include the most accurate time, acquired from GPS? This is what this post is about. Now you have the "method". Next, to the "apparatus". It consists essentially of 3 parts: GPS receiver, microcontroller and Bluetooth master module. Putting them together is trivial, since ...

Altoids Geiger counter

My " Remixed Geiger counter " board fits almost perfectly, by chance, in the "classic" Altoids box, with room left for the SI-29 GM tube, the 1100mAh LiPo battery and the 0.96" OLED display. The ATmega328 processor runs at 8MHz with the internal oscillator, a better choice (than the 16MHz of Arduino 2009) for the LiPo voltage of approx 3.7V.  The display I used is compatible with the monochrome 128x64 OLED display from Adafruit . It is powered at 3V3, requiring a voltage regulator ( 78L33 , TO-92), placed where the the trim-pot (for adjusting LCD contract) was supposed to be (top-right corner of the board). The sketch uses  Adafruit_SSD1306 library , with the wiring to the display as defined below: #define OLED_DC 8 #define OLED_CS 7 #define OLED_CLK 4 #define OLED_MOSI 3 #define OLED_RESET 5 Note that the same D3-D8 are used for connecting to the LCD 1602 display in the "regular" DIYGeigerKit . Also note that I did not install the "click" L...

How to add "Scroll to Top" to your site

Hi friends, today I am going to tell you how to add "Scroll to Top" button to your site or blog. It will help your readers to switch to top very smoothly if they are on end of the page or anywhere in the middle, else it will take a lot of time to scroll to top manually. Read more »