Animation on Wise Clock 3/4
Mr Ruud did it again :) He took this video showing a few more features he added. 1. ANIMATIONS It is now possible to create your own animations which are stored on the SD card. The APPS menu entry ANIM allows for continously showing one or all animations files. Animation files are named: anim0.wc3 - anim9.wc3 . There are also 4 special animation files named: time00.wc3 , time15.wc3 , time30.wc3 and time45.wc3 . If ANIM+ is selected in the SETUP menu and the BIG mode is active then every quarter the correponding animation is shown once with a random speed. Besides the four time*.wc3 animation file, there are currently 4 sample animations: anim1.wc3 - anim4.wc3 . You may create your own animations (there is NO programming involved) by creating individual screens in Excel and then use a small conversion program to create the *.wc3 file. As the animations are stored on the SD card you can make them as big as you like. 2. LOGGING If the LOG+ men...