
Showing posts from April, 2012

Virus that shut down your friends PC

Hi friends, In my previous post , I have told you how to make shortcut to shut down windows . This virus takes the advantage of the same trick. You can send this virus to your friends in email attachment. As soon as he double click on this shortcut, his computer or laptop will shut down. Isn't it interesting?? As its not a real virus, so antivirus will not block it while attaching. But remember, you wont be able to directly attach this file. For that, first of all put this shortcut in a folder and then compress the folder using winrRAR. Now send this compresser folder. Here is the overall process. Follow it: Read more »

How to easily shutdown Windows 8 or 7

Hi TTH readers. Window 8 has slightly lengthy procedure to shutdown it. So, I am going to tell you the shortest process for it. Follow these simple procedure: Method 1 1. Right click on Desktop. 2. Go to new and select shortcut. 3. In the location box, type: C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -t 05 -c "Shutting down...." Read more »

Different editions of windows 8

Today I would like to share information with you on the editions that will be available for "Windows 8" when it is released to market. We have talked about Windows 8 as Windows reimagined, from the chipset to the user experience. This also applies to the editions available – we have worked to make it easier for customers to know what edition will work best for them when they purchase a new Windows 8 PC or upgrade their existing PC. Windows 8 has the flexibility you need - whether you’re on an x86/64 or a WOA PC. You can use a touch screen or a keyboard and mouse – and switch anytime. It’s beautiful, fast, and fluid design is perfect for a wide range of hardware. And you’ll love browsing through the Windows Store and downloading all the apps you want. And those apps can work together too so you can share photos, Read more »

Download Window XP 64 bit in less than 10 MB

Hi friends! First of all I would like to ask you a question. Tell me whats the size of windows XP 64bit boot DVD??? Sorry!! I am unable to hear you. YES!! Its approx 3.5GB(Some are in 3.4GB and many are in 3.67GB). But Today I am giving you windows in 10MB. Dont worry, its of 3.4GB and compressed to 9.6MB and having all the features as in of 3.5GB. Read more »

Facebook cheat: How to write Flipped/ Upside down text

Hello friends, today I am going to give you link of a page which will give you the text in inverted form as you type. People always thinks to write something new in facebook status. In my previous trick , I have told many facebook cheats. Once again I am going to show a new cheat. It can surprise you friends. Visit this page . You can write even reversed text . Go to this site  or  fliptext . Follow my blog, if you like the post.

Wise Clock 4 with remote "Alarm stop" button

The Ramos project brought the novel idea of a wireless alarm-stop button: instead of just reaching out to  press on the top of your nightstand alarm clock, you now have to actually get out of the bed and walk to a remote corner of your dwelling to click on a keypad. No chance you will return to sleep afterward :) This remote alarm-stop feature for  Wise Clock 4   can be implemented in several different ways, all of them using of the on-board XBee socket: through a Bluetooth module; through WiFi, using the Roving Networks WiFly module; through XBee radios. The cheapest and easiest would be the Bluetooth solution, providing that you already have a BT device (e.g. Android phone/tablet) to communicate with. In pseudo-code, it should look like this: if (alarm is ON) {     while (Serial1.available())     {        read characters received;        if (it is the expected string)        {   ...

Guest post: Wise Clock 3/4 Apr-2012 software release

Updated Apr 20/2012 David M. mentioned an important detail: if you try to compile with Arduino 1.0 on Mac OSX  you will get the error "You can't have a cpp file with the same name as the sketch". The quick fix is to change the name of the file  WiseClock4.ino  (to  TheClock.ino , for example). Interestingly, although it makes sense, this error does not show in Windows. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the email I received from Mike, who took on the challenge to fix and improve the code for Wise Clock 3/4 , available here . Thanks Mike, keep up the great work! My note: If you don't feel very confident about upgrading the software on Wise Clock 3/4, please do not do it. I combined WiseClock3/WiseClock4 into one distribution, creating a WiseClockVer.h file with a    #define _WISE_CLOCK_VER 3 line.  HT1632.cpp and Buttons.h include WiseClockVer.h, and use lines like   #if _WISE_CLOCK_VER > 3   #def...

Virus that makes folder inside a folder infinitely

Hi TTH readers, today I am going to make a virus in notepad that that makes infinite number of folders inside a folder till your hard disk drive gets full. You can use this trick to fool you friend. Follow these steps: 1. Open Notepad and copy paste the following code in it. Read more »

Virus that floods desktop with folders

Hi TTH readers, today I am going to make a virus in notepad that floods your PC desktop with unlimited number of folders. You can use this trick to fool you friend. Follow these steps: 1. Open Notepad and copy paste the following code in it. Read more »

Download youtube video in mp3 format

Hi TTH readers, today I am going to tell you how to download youtube videos in mp3 format even if your college has blocked youtube. No doubt you can do it with any other software but I am going to tell you to do it online. Follow these simple steps: 1. Search for any video in google. There is no need to search if you already have the link. 2.Copy link address. Read more »

Scrolling message sign with Bluetooth

A simple application for Bluetooth was suggested a while back by fellow arduinoer evanrich (who also created a home for his project on github ): a scrolling sign using several cascaded 3216 displays and controlled through Bluetooth from an Android phone. His intention was to use it as a wireless sign that can be put in the back of the car to tell drivers to get off his tail. I gave it a try myself, using Wise Clock 4 with Bluetooth and two 3216 displays, as shown in this photo (the blue LED on the BTBee is power, the orange one is communication status). The code is a modified version of the one posted here . This message sign, especially if it is made with the larger (5mm) 3216 displays, can be also used in waiting rooms, call centers, stores etc, to show dynamic and easily-changeable messages. Related posts: Scrolling message sign display with Wise Clock 3/4 Scrolling large-font message sign display with Wise Clock 3/4

Wise Clock 4 with Bluetooth

Another thing that was supposed to be easy, but it wasn't: Arduino communicating with Windows XP through Bluetooth. Like everybody, I purchased the cheap and ubiquitous Bluetooth module from dealextreme. I soldered it myself on the XBee-footprinted PCB ( bare BTBee from IteadStudio), for a total price of about $8 (compare that to at least $15 as these Bluetooth XBees go for). Without knowing much about Bluetooth, I plugged this new "BTBee" module in Wise Clock 4 expecting it to be "discovered" by XP (which has an USB Bluetooth dongle). Discovered it was: the name "linvor" appeared in the list of BT devices, with two serial ports attached to it. Communication between XP and BT module is performed through the serial ports, I figured. Tried CoolTermWin, HyperTerminal, Putty, on both ports, nothing seemed to work. Time to read the documentation (which always reminds me of that joke ). I learned that others had similar problems , and some have solved th...

BookClock revisited (time setting from buttons)

By popular demand, I added time setting capabilities to BookClock . Time and date can now be set from two buttons, called "Menu" ("H/M" in the photo) and "Plus" ("+"). Press "Menu" to select between hours and minutes. Press "Plus" to increment the blinking selection. When done, just let it time out (about 4 seconds) and the time will be saved in the RTC. Hold down "Menu" until the date, formatted as yy/mm/dd, is displayed. Press "Menu" again to select either year, month or day, then press "Plus" to increment the blinking value. The time-setting code is copied and adapted from IllyClock and uses the same state-machine mechanism. I connected the two buttons to D16 ("Plus") and D17 ("Menu"). The code, compilable on both Arduino 23 and 1.0, can be downloaded from here .