
Showing posts from January, 2012

Run Commands for Windows

Hi friends, Run commands are the commands through which you can open any application much faster. Many commands like winword, photoshop might be known to you, but here i am presenting some new commands. Here are the list of all these commands. Read more »

Make your PC faster than before

Hello Friend, I hope you are enjoying tricks published on this blog. Today I will give you some tricks to make your PC faster than before. You may use following tools which is inbuilt in windows. 1. First, run a scandisk or checkdisk. Let Windows fix any errors. 2. Run a disk cleanup utility...this will flush your temporary internet folder, trash can, temp system files, etc. Read more »

Partition Hard Disk in windows without formatting it

Sometimes we want to divide our hard disk into various partitions like D: drive, E: Drive etc. Normally whole hard disk is shown as a single partition in new laptop/computer. Many people face problems and roams around the dealer which consumes a lot of time and creates a type of tension in mind. For partitioning hard disk, some format windows and some uses third party tools. Today I'll tell u a simple way to partition your hard disk in windows 7 without using any third party tool. Follow these simple steps: Read more »

Format Hard Disk using Notepad

Hey friends! Today I am going to show you how to format your Hard Disk with the help of notepad. Write/copy the following code in notepad : Read more »

Scrolling message sign display with Wise Clock 3/4 - part 2

This post , written some time ago, demonstrated how to make a message sign using two 3216 displays connected to Wise Clock 3 . The font used in the demo is 8*8 (actually just 7*7), quite small for the 16 LED height of the display. The code for a larger (11x14) font is already included in the Wise Clock 3/4 software (file fontLarge.h ), just not used and used when the "Big Font" menu option is selected (file  AppBig.cpp ).  I resurrected this forgotten font and the functions that use it  and this is how it works: I modified the original sketch (posted in this thread of the Arduino forum) to include the following lines at the top of the file: char* msgLine = "           Hello world - demo for large font scrolling on dual 3216 display."; int crtPos = 0; int crtColor = GREEN; and the loop() function: void loop () {   displayLargeScrollingLine();   if (crtPos >= strlen(msgLine))       crtPos = 0; } The source c...

Use your Pen Drive as a key to your PC/Laptop

Hi friends! Here is a nice trick for securing your Laptop or PC from unauthorized access. Window stores its password in a file which it uses at startup. We can store that file in our pen drive and use it at the time of startup to open windows. If your friend asks you for your Laptop and you don’t want to give then don’t deny him to give Laptop. “Don’t give your Pen Drive which is your key”. Here is the way: Go to Run. Type “syskey” without quotes. Read more »

I2SDv3 - Arduino buckler with microSD

The Wyolum machine  ( these are the people who generously offered $3000 in innovation grants , with no strings attached ) is forging ahead with a new and improved version of I2SD . I just received their v3 prototype and it looks impressive. I must say it is the most feature-rich data logger / SD card backpack (here is the list of the competing products that I compared with). Like its predecessor, I2SD v3 is a software-compatible Arduino (ATmega328/16MHz) with extras. It has on-board microSD card, DS3231  extremely accurate real-time-clock with backup battery, infrared receiver and 2 LED indicators for errors or status. I2SDv3 comes assembled (all SMD), with the bootloader burnt in. Sketches can be uploaded through the FTDI connector. The board can be plugged directly into Arduino, using one row of headers (A0-A4-GND-RST), hence the name " buckler " (like a "semi-shield", got it?) I2SDv3 also offers header access to D4-D7 (v2 lacked that; my complaint wa...

MixiClock - 4 digits displayed on 8x8 LED matrix

So far, on a 8x8 LED matrix, I have only seen the time displayed with scrolling numbers (beside the geeky binary/hex/tix/dice/dots/bars or other coded formats). There is simply not enough room to statically display 4 digits at once, since the tiniest set of human-readable digits can be defined in a grid not smaller than 3x5 pixels. I challenged myself to find an intuitive way to display 4 digits on the "standard" 8x8 matrix. I figured that this is possible if using 2 colors. Even though they may overlap a bit (quite literally), digits of different colors can be easily distinguished. This is because the overlap makes a third color: in the case of the bi-color (red/green) LED matrix, it will be orange. I focused on two aspects: font definition (3x5) as simple as possible, with minimal number of "on" pixels, but still readable; // tiny 3x5 digits; byte digit[10][5] = {   {2, 5, 5, 5, 2},  // 0   {1, 1, 1, 1, 1},  // 1   {6, 1, 2, 4, 7},  // 2 ...

How To Install Backtrack 5 R1 Dual Boot-Tutorial

First of all you need to download backtrack5 R1 from it official website, backtrack5 R1 is available in different flavours so check your compatibility and download it. For this tutorial we are using a USB device to install backtrack5 r1. Requirements:- USB (Flash Drive) (Minimum USB Drive capacity 4 GB) Backtrack 5 ISO file, md5sum verified. UNetbootin Read more »

Adventures in WiFly land - Part 1

This was a bit of a struggle, working with the XBee-footprinted WiFly RN-XV module  from Roving Networks. The goal was to get some data from the RSS feeds, kind of what this project had achieved. First, I tried to set up the RN-XV module following this crash course  (and using ladyada's XBee adapter  with the FTDI cable). Everything went fine except connecting to my home WiFi network: I kept getting "AUTH-ERR". Eventually, after many tries, the module joined the network. I thought this is caused by the weak WiFi signal and other people may experience a similar scenario (which should be dealt with by the software). Then I found with this software library, which, of course, did not work in my special case. After I started tweaking it and read the RN-XV manual once again, I found the explanation: WPA (which I am currently using) handshaking takes more than 1,000ms (1 second), which is the default timeout for the module. The solution was to increase this timeout (to 50...

Power efficiency report in windows

Do you have a laptop and want to get more battery life out of it? Windows 7 includes a hidden built-in tool that will examine your laptop's energy use and make recommendations on how to improve it. To use it: 1. Run command prompt as an administrator. To do this, type cmd in the search box, and when the cmd icon appears, right-click it and choose "Run as administrator." 2. At the command line, type in the following: powercfg -energy -output \Folder\Energy_Report.html Read more »

ZeeClock - nice mod running on Wise Clock 4

Here we have the first "independent" mod running on Wise Clock 4 , thanks to Mr. Jon S! Jon shared the code (download it from here ) and added this description: This is an alarm clock for my toddler who can't tell time (of course). It uses colors to tell him when he should be sleeping and when he should get up. I didn't need to, but I wrote all the code so it's self contained including setting multiple alarms, setting the time, and turning the audio on and off. It's not perfect (I'm an artist not a programmer so the code is a bit of a mess), but it does the job. I think it's a great job! Thanks again Jon.

Wise Clock 4 - time synchronization with GPS

This is my first foray into the world of GPS, made possible by the GPS XBee kit . With  Wise Clock 4  offering support for XBee, this little GPS module from seeedstudio seemed like a nice fit. The purpose is, of course, to synchronize the clock with the accurate time received from satellites. Note: Some time ago I tried the WWVB atomic clock radio receiver module CMMR-6 . It comes with a 60mm ferrite rod, pretty inadequate for receiving the Colorado radio signal in Toronto, more than 2200km away. On top of the fact that it is finicky (never worked for me), it is also bulky (the ferrite rod) and fragile (the thin antenna wire). First, I inserted the module into the XBee adapter from adafruit, which is connected (through the FTDI cable) to a terminal session (9600, 8, N, 1). Messages started flowing in, right off the bat: wow! Next, I moved the GPS module onto the Wise Clock 4 and uploaded a sketch that uses TinyGPS library (modified by Justin). Here is the serial ...

How to alter product ID in window 7

If you are running a Microsoft Windows operating system on your computer, then you are most likely aware of the fact that your PC will have a Product ID. This Product ID is a system specific alphanumeric code which is derived/calculated based on the Windows product key you use and the hardware configuration of your Computer. In simple words, Product ID is the alphanumeric code that you see when you Right-Click on the My Computer icon and select the Properties option. Ever wondered how to alter the Windows Product ID? Read more »

Change window 7 logon screen without any software

How would you like to change the logon screen background in Windows 7 so as to give your Windows a customized look and feel? With a small tweak it is possible to customize the Windows 7 logon screen and set your own picture/wallpaper as the background. Changing logon screen background in Windows 7 is as simple as changing your desktop wallpaper. Well here is a step by step instruction to customize the logon screen background. 1. The image you need to set as the background should be a .jpg file and it’s size should not exceed 245KB . Read more »