
Showing posts from July, 2011

Buy complete C3Jr kit

Updated Sep 15, 2012 This kit is sold now by wyolum . Here you can buy a complete C3Jr kit , that will make a wonderful word clock once assembled (assembly instructions here ). All you need is a soldering iron and some (almost trivial) soldering skills. The kit comes with the ATmega328 processor already loaded with the latest sketch (no need for you to program it). Please contact me if you want an assembled and tested  C3Jr . Related posts: Other kits offered in the store

Assembling C3Jr kit

Assembling C3Jr kit is a medium-challenge project: all components except the RTC chip DS3231 (which comes soldered to the board) are through-hole; the spot and orientation of each component are printed on the board very clearly; sockets are provided for each integrated circuit; placing and soldering the components takes a few hours; it is very important to pay attention to the correct orientation of the polarized components (LEDs, electrolytic capacitors, transistors, ICs), since any mistake takes time and effort to repair; double check every time before soldering any component, even resistors. The C3Jr kit you received includes (as shown in the photo): large (18cm x 23cm) PCB; ATmega328 with 28-pin socket; 16MHz crystal + two 22pF capacitors; 74LS154 and 24-pin socket; STP08DP05 and socket; DS3231, pre-soldered to the board; CR2032 (3V) coin battery and battery holder; 130 diffused white (or blue, on request) 5mm LEDs; 17 PNP transistors 2N5401; 4 decoupling capacitor...

Introducing C3Jr kit

Although I posted about ClockTHREE Junior (aka C3Jr ) here , this is its formal introduction in my blog. C3Jr is an Arduino-compatible, open-source alarm "word clock", which displays the time in words, similar to the original QlockTWO (*). It is the result of numerous hours of electronic design, mechanical engineering and programming by the Wyolum team . The goal of this effort was to develop a kit that would be affordable, easy to assemble and stand out aesthetically. The content of the C3Jr kit is shown below (click for a larger picture). It includes all the electronic components and mechanical parts to build the C3Jr clock shown in the next photo (on Justin's workbench). The large display is based on a matrix of 16x8, individually addressable, white (or blue) LEDs. Beside lighting up small letters (one letter per LED) that make up words, the display can also be seen as a matrix of 16x8 pixels, which can show scrolling characters or animated sprites. The time-keepin...