
Ethernet shield Guide for arduino (Arduino Ethernet Shield)

Ethernet shield Guide for arduino Arduino Ethernet Shield The   Arduino Ethernet shield   allows an Arduino board to connect to the internet using the Ethernet library   and to read and write an SD card using the   SD library .   Connecting the Shield To use the shield, mount it on top of an Arduino board (e.g. the Uno). To upload sketches to the board, connect it to your computer with a USB cable as you normally would. Once the sketch has been uploaded, you can disconnect the board from your computer and power it with an external power supply.   Connect the shield to your computer or a network hub or router using a standard ethernet cable ( CAT5   or   CAT6   with   RJ45   connectors). Connecting to a computer may require the use of a cross-over cable (although many computers, including   all recent Macs   can do the cross-over internally).   Network Settings The shield must be assigned a MAC address and a fixed IP address using the Ethernet.begin()   function. A MA

TSOP IR Receiver interface with arduino

TSOP IR Receiver  Tsop is an IR receiver which will help you to interface your TV remote with arduino. The TSOP outputs a constant HIGH signal when idle and as it receives data, it tends to invert the data. i.e when an IR LED is transmitting data onto the TSOP, every time the IR led goes high, the TSOP will go LOW and vice versa. Remote control signals are often bytes of data that is encoded and transmitted by pulsing(switching ON & OFF the IR LED at a specific frequency) Most TV remote controls work at 32-40 Khz frequency and most receivers can receive this range.   The SIRC protocol uses a pulse width encoding of the bits. The pulse representing a logical "1" is a 1.2ms long burst of the 40kHz carrier, while the burst width for a logical "0" is 0.6ms long. All bursts are separated by a 0.6ms long space interval. Modulation If you look at the image, you can see the the 1.2ms high of the Logical '1' has further black lines with spaces in

Using the L239D motor driver IC

From   m i crocontro l ler we   can   not   connect   a   m o tor   directly   because   m i crocontroller   can not give sufficie n t   current   to   drive   the   DC   m o tors.   Motor   dri v er   is a   current   enhancing   device,   it   can also   be   act   as   Switching   Device.   Thus   we   insert   m o tor   driver   in   between   m o tor   and m icrocontroller.   Motor   driver   take   the   input   sign a ls   from   microcontr o ller and   generate corresponding   output   for   m o tor. Motor Driver IC L293D This   is   a   m o tor   driver   IC that   can   drive   two   m o tor   si m u ltaneously.   L293D IC is a dual H-bridge motor driver IC. One H-bridge is capable to drive a dc motor in bidirectional. L293D IC is a current enhancing IC as the output from the sensor is not able to drive motors itself so L293D is used for this purpose. L293D is a 16 pin IC having two enables pins which should always be remain high to enable both the H-bridges. L293B